David Coveney


All the posts below have been written by David Coveney.

18 September, 2007

Aintree Sprint Report, 8th September 2007

A bit slow putting this one up, but it needs doing! It was an unusual day for me, in part, because I’d not really expected to be competing! I’d really given up on this season – with a shortage of funds and time while I continue getting my business on its feet (it’s at http://www.interconnectit.com […]

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4 August, 2007

What Birds Are Saying

I must be having a creative spurt or something. Another one for b3ta. Oh, and ta to Douglas Adams for the original basis of the idea (I think it was in So Long and Thanks for all the Fish), and to my friend and colleague James Whitehead for additional inspiration.

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Maps of the World

Maps have always fascinated me – I can stand staring at them for hours. Or at least, minutes. Whether it’s a small map of the area, or something covering the whole globe. There’s a few in particular that stand out as interesting, partly for their political background, and others for their technical approach. The first […]

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2 August, 2007

Cuban bathrooms

Cuba has, shall we say, a more relaxed approach to electrical safety than some other countries. In part because it’s poor – good electrics are expensive – but also, I suspect, because of some ignorance and lackadaisical enforcement too. But I was still surprised to see this shower in our first B&B: I will say […]

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1 August, 2007

Anatomy of a Traffic Jam

I’ve just spent far far too long doing these two illustrations. The first shows a traffic jam that’s a problem, caused by people not using up all the road. The second shows what happens if the two self appointed guardians of the road move up a little, don’t block people, and if other road users […]

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29 July, 2007

Being a b3tard…

I have a thing about the b3ta.com site. It keeps me tickled in those quiet moments. The fact they mentioned my botfly incident in their newsletter meant this site’s traffic and ranking improved a fair bit for a while, and occassionally I post answers to the question of the week spot. A couple have made […]

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8 July, 2007

Aintree Sprint, 30th June 2007 – Rain again

If you’re in Britain you’ll already be aware that for the past few weeks we’ve been getting rain of near biblical proportions, with floods causing a lot of damage in the Midlands, and just a lot of heavy rain in the rest of the country. Aintree wasn’t much different, though not quite so bad as […]

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20 June, 2007

Anglesey Sprint, 9th-10th of June 2007

Yes, this really is my first event of the year! It won’t be my last, but sadly business and finances have to take a priority and it’s unlikely I’ll be doing much sprinting this season. I’ll do the odd track-day, however, to keep my eye in. And it didn’t really go well – at a […]

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7 June, 2007

Reducing Nokia N95 GPRS Map Charges

I’ve been thinking about buying a Nokia N95 – lovely looking phone. Anyway, thanks to the wonders of Norlog I’ve got hold of a document that helps you to make sure that if you want to use the Satellite Navigation you won’t get hit by heavy roaming charges. It describes how to set up the […]

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28 May, 2007

New things and more

As many of you know, I’ve been working terribly hard with James (and now Jon) on building up the web design side of our company – Interconnect IT and it’s all coming along fine. But I kept thinking… we need whizzy. Good, compatible, easy to use whizzy. Now there’s nowhere better to test these things […]

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19 March, 2007

Transport in Cuba

Transport anywhere in what can be considered a third world country is quite a challenge to anyone used to online booking of easyJet flights. But… if you’ve arrived with Western wealth then it’s never going to be all that bad either. I mean for sure, your chances of arriving on time are little better than […]

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5 March, 2007

First Impressions in Cuba

If you fly with First Choice on their Cuba West Traveller scheme they give you your first night’s accomodation free. The idea, we think, is that in Cuba you can’t just turn up as a typical itinerant and expect to wander about. Of course, that’s exactly what you can do… You just need to give […]

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27 February, 2007

Bye bye to the Heart & Soul, Liverpool

It’s not the kind of post I normally do, but on the 17th of February the Heart & Soul restaurant had to close. So in her own style Chumki threw a closing-down party and lots of us arrived for a night of music, beer and chaos.

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25 February, 2007

Videos are back!

Ok, it’s supposed to be video of the week… yet since Christmas I’ve not been updating this section. My Bad! Now, I’m not about to go back to updating weekly. I’ve been busy, I’ve got trips planned, and it’s hard to update this section every single week unless some of you start sending me quality […]

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6 January, 2007

Christopher Coveney

I’m trying to trace a chap called Christopher Coveney, also known as Chris Coveney, Cristobal Coveney, C.T.T.Coveney and in full, Christopher Tregay Trott Coveney. I’ve put this page up in the knowledge that if anyone’s searching for his name on Google, MSN or Yahoo, there’s a high chance this page will come up top of […]

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5 January, 2007

Hello 2007, Goodbye 2006

Another year arrives! Woo! Of course, it’s quite predictable, although what happens each year never follows any logic or sense. I share only a little about myself online, but let’s say that 2006 was probably a year which, for me, could have become pivotal for so many reasons. Experiences which I’ll never forget, such as […]

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25 December, 2006

Merry Christmas

It’s the season of goodwill, cheer and togetherness. Take the time, if you can, to remember solitary neighbours, family and friends and make sure they have some company this year. In parts of Eastern Europe there’s a tradition of keeping one place empty and ready at the dinner table for the lost traveller. A great […]

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13 December, 2006

Wheels are Dangerous

This poor guy didn’t realise what hit him. It shows, to me at least, the importance of always having a little bit of a safety mentality when working on cars and trucks. It’s easy to get complacent, but with the large amounts of energy involved in moving our vehicles around, the danger is always present. […]

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10 December, 2006

Liverpool Airport (Speke)

Liverpool has one of those small airports that’s done rather well over the past decade. A rise in air travel has been good for many airports, yet Liverpool’s Speke airport (now known as Liverpool John Lennon Airport) has done especially well. Why? Because first of all they worked well with easyJet – with a combination […]

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6 December, 2006

Balloon Racing – Beautiful

This is a beautiful piece of time-lapse photography, something I’ve just started experimenting with. If my videos are as good as this guy’s, I’ll be a happy chappy.

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26 November, 2006

Rocking in Paris

I spend… oooh, lots of time in Paris. Yet I’ve never actually quite got round to writing about it on this site. Why not? Good question. Perhaps because it’s a little personal. I’ve lived there, loved there, and so on. To talk about it in depth may reveal me more to the world at large. […]

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24 November, 2006

When Your Mic Breaks, Improvise!

Sometimes you record a great hillclimb run (this one up Loton Park) only to find a technical glitch has spoilt the recording. So if that’s the case, you must improvise….

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