Hello 2007, Goodbye 2006

Another year arrives! Woo! Of course, it’s quite predictable, although what happens each year never follows any logic or sense.

I share only a little about myself online, but let’s say that 2006 was probably a year which, for me, could have become pivotal for so many reasons. Experiences which I’ll never forget, such as climbing Machu Picchu, nearly being struck by lightning on a Chilean mountain, having a botfly removed, launching a new business venture… all incredible. Friends have been similarly amazing. I also took second place overall yet again in the Liverpool and Chester Speed Championship as well as a brace of class positions in the ANWCC championships.

Strip showing me racing in 2006

The downside of all this has been nearly burning myself out. I think one can only take so much excitement in a year and I really went to town in 2006. I also decided that it was finally time to attack my house and renovate. Me being me this didn’t mean a quick re-decorate but a strip down including a full re-wire, some re-plumbing, and lots more besides. Not something I’d do again to a house I live in, to be honest, but it’s been a fascinating learning process. Not least of which is just how well dust can get through underneath doors, into drawers, cupboards and clothes. It’s coming on now, but has a fair way to go.

The website has come on rather a lot too. I’ve had a ‘place-holder’ site for years now, but persistantly failed to do anything much with it. However, with the rise of blogging software to make maintaining a website easy I decided it was time to do something about it. I still had a very basic site, but now it contained a blog so people could follow my travels in South America. Then I added stuff about my motorsport… and well, it just took on a life of its own. The site especially took off when my tale of botfly woes reached some popular websites like b3ta.com and I found myself with thousands of visits. Since then the site has managed to average around 4000 unique visits per month, with peaks of up to 12,000.

Guide Books

Strip showing Cusco centre in 2006

So where now for the website? Well, I travel a bit, and have noticed that the popular guide books vary somewhat dramatically in their usefulness and advice. Some are verging on the downright dangerous in some cases – for example I saw a (admittedly oldish) Guide du Routard from France which suggested that the YMCA in Liverpool’s Mount Pleasant would be an interesting place to stay. Yes… a typical middle class, French backpacker may initially be fooled by the building’s gothic facade into thinking he or she had arrived in a hostel of quite exceptional standards. Perhaps if the traveller had arrived late when most of the alcoholic and junkie homeless residents had settled in for the night the dangers would go un-noticed, but otherwise I have a feeling that there are quite a few French student travellers who’ve left Liverpool with an altogether inaccurate view of what consitutes fun in this wonderful city. On the other hand, Jean-Paul Sartre is something of a French hero who believed in holding few possessions – if you wish to move towards such an existentialist existence then perhaps this is the ideal way to start?

I could easily ramble on about the problems with guidebooks, but I won’t until I start a new section. Yes indeed, I’m going to start a guidebook review section. I intend to take the three key books to any particular location I cover and will test it for accuracy. If you’d like to send in reviews of what you’ve found, then please do so and they could well be included on the site. If you’re good, you’ll even get a contributor’s account and be able to add your own entries.

Other Drivers

As the site generates a fair bit of sprint and hillclimb related traffic, other drivers have expressed an interest in contributing. Whether I add sections to this site to that end, or whether I create a new community site is still something I’ve yet to decide. Watch this space….

More Travel

I’m certain to be travelling more, and covering some new locations. But as usual I don’t announce these trips in advance, nor do I announce when I return. The site is often updated on different dates to the exact time I travel as well. Why? Well, security, basically. If people know where I am, and when… it could mean trouble. I trust most of you of course, but the internet’s a very public place and you never know who’s watching.


Strip showing Interconnect IT Logo

Although I’ve had my own business for many years in order to be a freelance contractor, it all changed around dramatically this summer when I decided that PeopleSoft was a declining force. With this in mind I knew that I’d find it hard to maintain rates, and even harder to find work I could travel to easily. Although the travelling has been enormous fun, I was rather tired of constantly uprooting myself. I was also missing my friends and had a peculiar social life.

With all this in mind, I relaunched the company as Interconnect IT Ltd, joined forces with James Whitehead, and we set to the task of forming something new and exciting. We started out with a vision for a generalist technology consultancy – solving the technology related problems all companies come across. However, the most common problem right now appears to be getting a good website running. So by and large we specialise now in Web Design. It’s fun, relatively straightforward, and creatively challenging. 2007 should hopefully be the year we turn it into a profitable company once more. But if you happen to know anyone who needs a website….

Bottoms Up!

So here’s to 2007! Let’s make it a great one, with lots of fun, work, travel and motorsport!

Merry Christmas

It’s the season of goodwill, cheer and togetherness.

Take the time, if you can, to remember solitary neighbours, family and friends and make sure they have some company this year. In parts of Eastern Europe there’s a tradition of keeping one place empty and ready at the dinner table for the lost traveller. A great idea if you ask me.

And thank you to all those who e-mailed me in the past year, who commented on my site, and followed my ramblings.

Bless ya!


Comments Change

As a result of the increasing number of comments coming in, and being increasingly busy myself, I’ve decided that I’ll no longer manually manage comments to entries on this site.

A lot of the comments were spam – comment spam as it’s known. Sometimes as many as fifty in a day. These spammers will, I hope, be first against the wall come the revolution! They waste our time and resources.

However, a lot of the comments – especially with the Catherine Tate show coming out, have been genuine too. I had to manually check each comment to make sure it wasn’t spam and then approve it.

So… I’ve installed an anti-spam plug-in now. It should allow me to make the site more open and more dynamic. You should be able to comment and see it immediately on the website. If not, it may be because it appears to be spam. Putting lots of links in will have this effect, for example. Swear words and so on may also trigger the spam software. So… play nice and you can get the most out of the site.

I’ll continue to be notified of all comments and will attempt to be responsive to them.

Happy commenting!


Welcome to the Home Page of Obsessive Compulsives UK

Welcome to our site – it’s taken a lot of work to get this far and…


…hang on, let me just check the site’s still up. Oh I’d better save this file just in case. Hang on. Right where was I? Oh yes, we’re trying to do a lot of work here to help folk who… wait a minute, I think I can hear a hot water tap running I’ll just check it. Ah it’s ok. Right, so we’re a self help group of people with obsessive compulsive disorder (ocd) who want to help each other through the… oh wait a minute… Christ! I’ve left the iron on! No I haven’t! Yes I have!

Ok, if you’ve come to this site via the usual route, you’ll be wondering what the heck is going on.

Basically we were sat watching a trailer for the very funny Catherine Tate Show and she made a gag about obsessives who should log on to http://www.christivelefttheironon.co.uk/noihavent/yesihave

And well, James and I were wondering if the domain had been registered. The computer was just there you know…so we had no choice but to check – and it was available! We couldn’t resist and, for the princely sum of a fiver, we had a shiny new domain!

Then, erm, what were we going to do with it?! And I realised, it shouldn’t be difficult to record the entry url – I’d simply redirect the domain to this post here that you’re reading now, and see what happens.

So – here’s the gig. Suggest how many people are sad enough to log on to a domain they’ve heard on the TV. After the show has aired (anyone know when it will be?) I will reveal the web stats to all. There may even be a prize in it – I dunno, a souvenir or something. Maybe it could be like when I listened to Radio Kiev on my shortwave radio as a kid and got excited by their offer of a “selection of Kiev souvenirs” for anyone who reported their signal strength.

No bets are being taken on how many people are sad enough to actually register a domain they’ve heard on the TV – that’s just two. James and Me.

If you’re a really big fan of the lovely Catherine Tate, just click here to see a big list of DVDs, books and related items from Amazon.co.uk

PS. I wanted to add the links to the official site and to some products not just because I’m shamelessly commercial, but as a way of thanking Catherine Tate for all the traffic I might get. Not that I’m sure there’ll be much traffic, but let’s see….

PPS. The show returns to our screens on BBC 2 at 9pm on Thursday 26th October! Watch it and wait for the url. Perhaps we could also bet when it’s used in the show? Any takers?

PPPS. Added July 2014: This page has been consistently popular on my site and is always about the second most popular each month. For eight years! Well done all. And here’s the actual clip (may disappear):

On a more serious note, be aware that the real OCD UK web site can be found here by clicking on this line.

I’m guessing a series of ads on BBC1 has just caused all these comments – it’s taking on a life of it’s own! Anyway, to give you a clue, tonight alone (Monday 16th October 2006) there have been some 170 people almost, but not quite, as sad as me! Keep on coming – it’s fun to be sad :o)


Hi there – well, where do I start?

Let’s just say this isn’t intended to be a daily blog or journal of my life. I really really don’t think that what I do is quite that interesting. If I start posting up anything that says “Not done much today, had a drink with Roger and quite liked a girl we met but not sure if she’ll meet me again…” then please, shoot me.

Instead I’m going to add stuff on topics that might be of interest. Current things will be:

Motorsport – events I’ve competed in, work I’ve carried out, and what I’m doing. This is as much to share information with other people who are interested in the sport.
Work notes – anything I do in my work (currently a ‘resting’ PeopleSoft consultant) may be noted if I think it’s of interest either to myself in the future or to other PeopleSoft types. Other projects I’m working on may also be documented here. Not because it’s the best way, but it is the easiest way!
Travel journals – the main reason I’ve set this up. Now I can easily post up news and information about my travels from web cafés around the world. And no need to arrange paper stuff – something I’m terrible at.

Thank you for looking!