16 May, 2024
AI is predictive, not intelligent
I hope you haven’t missed the big AI revolution going on right now? No? Yes? YES? You have no idea about it? Where do you live? On Mars? Ah OK, you were kidding. AI is being talked about everywhere, new devices like the Humane AI Pin or the Rabbit R1 are very much about it, […]
26 April, 2021
I broke my heart in five places and got it fixed
A year ago, I was sitting, shorn of all body hair and waiting to go in for a five or six hour operation. I knew the next two weeks would be hell.
17 October, 2008
4 August, 2007
What Birds Are Saying
I must be having a creative spurt or something. Another one for b3ta. Oh, and ta to Douglas Adams for the original basis of the idea (I think it was in So Long and Thanks for all the Fish), and to my friend and colleague James Whitehead for additional inspiration.
2 August, 2007
Cuban bathrooms
Cuba has, shall we say, a more relaxed approach to electrical safety than some other countries. In part because it’s poor – good electrics are expensive – but also, I suspect, because of some ignorance and lackadaisical enforcement too. But I was still surprised to see this shower in our first B&B: I will say […]
25 February, 2007
Videos are back!
Ok, it’s supposed to be video of the week… yet since Christmas I’ve not been updating this section. My Bad! Now, I’m not about to go back to updating weekly. I’ve been busy, I’ve got trips planned, and it’s hard to update this section every single week unless some of you start sending me quality […]
24 November, 2006
When Your Mic Breaks, Improvise!
Sometimes you record a great hillclimb run (this one up Loton Park) only to find a technical glitch has spoilt the recording. So if that’s the case, you must improvise….
23 November, 2006
Car Games
Car stunts have never had the flash factor of motorbikes…now it’s changed! It’s a viral, but good… here’s the two that have been done so far:
4 November, 2006
15 October, 2006
Welcome to the Home Page of Obsessive Compulsives UK
Welcome to our site – it’s taken a lot of work to get this far and… …hang on, let me just check the site’s still up. Oh I’d better save this file just in case. Hang on. Right where was I? Oh yes, we’re trying to do a lot of work here to help folk […]
24 January, 2006
Gin Tonic in Lima Central
It was Douglas Adams that suggested that wherever you are in the universe, asking for something that sounds like “Gin and Tonic” will usually give you the same drink. Of course I’ve only been able to test this theory on Earth, but so far it had proven unbreakable. So in a non touristy town in […]