David Coveney


Hi there – well, where do I start?

Let’s just say this isn’t intended to be a daily blog or journal of my life. I really really don’t think that what I do is quite that interesting. If I start posting up anything that says “Not done much today, had a drink with Roger and quite liked a girl we met but not sure if she’ll meet me again…” then please, shoot me.

Instead I’m going to add stuff on topics that might be of interest. Current things will be:

Motorsport – events I’ve competed in, work I’ve carried out, and what I’m doing. This is as much to share information with other people who are interested in the sport.
Work notes – anything I do in my work (currently a ‘resting’ PeopleSoft consultant) may be noted if I think it’s of interest either to myself in the future or to other PeopleSoft types. Other projects I’m working on may also be documented here. Not because it’s the best way, but it is the easiest way!
Travel journals – the main reason I’ve set this up. Now I can easily post up news and information about my travels from web cafés around the world. And no need to arrange paper stuff – something I’m terrible at.

Thank you for looking!