Welcome to the Home Page of Obsessive Compulsives UK

Welcome to our site – it’s taken a lot of work to get this far and…


…hang on, let me just check the site’s still up. Oh I’d better save this file just in case. Hang on. Right where was I? Oh yes, we’re trying to do a lot of work here to help folk who… wait a minute, I think I can hear a hot water tap running I’ll just check it. Ah it’s ok. Right, so we’re a self help group of people with obsessive compulsive disorder (ocd) who want to help each other through the… oh wait a minute… Christ! I’ve left the iron on! No I haven’t! Yes I have!

Ok, if you’ve come to this site via the usual route, you’ll be wondering what the heck is going on.

Basically we were sat watching a trailer for the very funny Catherine Tate Show and she made a gag about obsessives who should log on to http://www.christivelefttheironon.co.uk/noihavent/yesihave

And well, James and I were wondering if the domain had been registered. The computer was just there you know…so we had no choice but to check – and it was available! We couldn’t resist and, for the princely sum of a fiver, we had a shiny new domain!

Then, erm, what were we going to do with it?! And I realised, it shouldn’t be difficult to record the entry url – I’d simply redirect the domain to this post here that you’re reading now, and see what happens.

So – here’s the gig. Suggest how many people are sad enough to log on to a domain they’ve heard on the TV. After the show has aired (anyone know when it will be?) I will reveal the web stats to all. There may even be a prize in it – I dunno, a souvenir or something. Maybe it could be like when I listened to Radio Kiev on my shortwave radio as a kid and got excited by their offer of a “selection of Kiev souvenirs” for anyone who reported their signal strength.

No bets are being taken on how many people are sad enough to actually register a domain they’ve heard on the TV – that’s just two. James and Me.

If you’re a really big fan of the lovely Catherine Tate, just click here to see a big list of DVDs, books and related items from Amazon.co.uk

PS. I wanted to add the links to the official site and to some products not just because I’m shamelessly commercial, but as a way of thanking Catherine Tate for all the traffic I might get. Not that I’m sure there’ll be much traffic, but let’s see….

PPS. The show returns to our screens on BBC 2 at 9pm on Thursday 26th October! Watch it and wait for the url. Perhaps we could also bet when it’s used in the show? Any takers?

PPPS. Added July 2014: This page has been consistently popular on my site and is always about the second most popular each month. For eight years! Well done all. And here’s the actual clip (may disappear):

On a more serious note, be aware that the real OCD UK web site can be found here by clicking on this line.

I’m guessing a series of ads on BBC1 has just caused all these comments – it’s taking on a life of it’s own! Anyway, to give you a clue, tonight alone (Monday 16th October 2006) there have been some 170 people almost, but not quite, as sad as me! Keep on coming – it’s fun to be sad :o)

Author: David Coveney

I own the big bit of Standfirst, Interconnect, and Design Week. They keep me busy.

345 thoughts on “Welcome to the Home Page of Obsessive Compulsives UK”

  1. Yes. I tried it after seeing the ad. You were very quick off the mark! I think the Catherine Tate Management missed a trick there!!! Well done you.

  2. Yes, I tried after seeing the advert! I was going to make it myself, but thought I’d check it first and you got there before me! :p Well, it wouldn’t be as good as this seeing as I’m only 13. Well done! x

  3. Be careful… she (or the programme makers) may sue you. It is infringment of copyright registering a domain when it is reasonably obvious someone else has the intellectual property rights to it.

  4. Especially as your link to Amazon is a commercial one that benefits you. Good luck… bet you don’t post these… Jenni Jamtart

  5. Hi Jenni – no fear here – it’s just a bit of fun. I have Amazon links elsewhere on my site too – it just helps me to pay for the bandwidth and other costs of the site. Not that it does, no blighter ever buys anything! I added the links for goodwill, really.

    Is it infringement of copyright? Perhaps. Well if they ask nicely I’ll let them have the domain – only cost me a fiver anyway. They could sue me, but I can’t exactly see how much for.

    People these days worry faaaar too much about litigation – we don’t live in the US ya know ;o)



    PS. You lost your bet :oÞ

  6. HE HE i just saw the advert too, and i just thought wouldnt it be funny if there actually was a website called that

  7. Yeah, you know! I saw the ad and logged on! I just thought seeing as I was at the computer that I’d give it a go! Glad i ain’t the only one whose sad enough!

    Peace! x

  8. You should be ashamed of yourself. The poor woman is obviously in a state of extreme distress believing that she’s left the iron on. Have you no compassion? Her house could burn down for crying out loud.

    Aren’t you bothered???

      1. You’re never ever too late :-)

        I’d noticed the redirect wasn’t working a few months back, so I’ve fixed it recently. I’m happy people still enjoying giving the address a try!

  9. what a good giggle! I am quite happy to be grouped in with all you saddo’s coz you’ve all got a sense of humour,
    I just wonder where I would have ended up if I had used the correct punctuation??????????

  10. I can’t believe this site exists, where would I be without Sky+ (I know, I know, I have too much time on my hands ;)

  11. Well I hope you manage to sell the rights to the website for millions! Clever work!!
    Can’t wait for the new series.
    Amy in Spain

  12. I’m quite chuffed to see that the website really does exist – or should i say that someone has taken the time to set it up!!!! Good luck once the word spreads you’ll have countless hits
    Maureen – Gibraltar

  13. Damn damn damn! Just realised that my server stats won’t show stats for people who are going through a proxy (eg, ntl do it, regardless of whether you want it or not) so as a consequence I don’t see all my traffic.

    So I need to add a counter to force it. Mad busy with my business stuff right now (http://www.interconnectit.com if you’re interested) so probably won’t be done until tomorrow. It’ll be right before the show, anyway :o)

    But keep on coming and commenting! Really makes my day to see so many comments from visitors!

    Dave (the mental one, it would seem)

  14. HAHA exelent. saw the advert had to do it (hehe) check out this site for downloads an chat an music we have live dj’s also we have a great forum thnx 4 ure time w0000000000t. ps exelent idea btw haha

  15. it is wicked!!!i was on computer when the advert came on t.v. it was sooooo funny catherine tate is my fave!!! thought id check this webby out nd its wicked!!!

  16. yes but i obsessed for seconds over whether or not I had to add the ‘ to the word “i’ve” 0r not, yeah but wos i bovered, am i bovered do i really give a fuck………… now you’ve got to know she’s gonna see this site, its a given….. so Cath, if yer fancy coming to Marbella for a free hol, cheap booze, fags and some perverted sex…..

  17. Yes just had to have a look to see if someone had been daft enough to get the url and… !!

    Not so daft now though with all this free traffic!!

    Get the advertising up asap.

  18. Hi,

    I too was sad enough to try and register this domain! I thought I was pretty quick off the mark as it was available when I registered it but you guys must have won the Nominet draw or something. Good Luck!

  19. Hi Matt – it was probably as simple as who was quickest to fill in their details! When did you try? It was last Thursday for us.



  20. I am also one of those sad people that has tried out this website-little else for doing!
    Glad I did though.

  21. Well here we are – just thought we would give it a go too!! Didnt think it was gonna be real but i guess it is – well done you!!!

    We will definately be watching the new series, obsessively and compulsively. LOL!!

  22. haha, i’ll get you next time gadget, next time…. you did exactly what i was just gonna do :)

    well done for getting there first and even better for doing something interesting with it. hope you make a million!


  23. Just checking that these are really posts and not just you – will you list a shamefacedely commercial post? I looked up the url to forward it to http://www.hscproperty.com – where – if you list this – your readers can advertise private property sales online with a 25% discount on the usual £40 if they quote S101 plus we will send you guys a 25% commission on each property online advert using this code (I know you are quick – you bought this url – but thats £10 saving per property online advert and £10 commission to you guys) LOL. Ps where do you get .co.uk\’s for a fiver?

  24. Anita – I’m a bit antsy about websites that try to up themselves by inserting every darned search term possible onto every page. Apart from the fact that it doesn’t actually work that well, it’s really not helped the whole internet thang along.

    So I’ve ‘broken’ the links to your site but left them in so people can read them. If you remove all the spurious stuff on the bottom of each page of your site then just let me know and I’ll ‘unbreak’ the links.



  25. Hey Dave! Your posts are real and not just an over active imagination… Ditched the keywords – you’re right they dont work that well, only tried them recently. But private property sales can save property sellers £thousands in Estate Agent fees so its gotta be worth a go!

  26. ps all the best with the site… and I want to say – Ive Seen a lot of posts saying ‘another saddo’ But I dont think we are SAD for looking it up – the others are just too lazy to move from the sofa!

  27. :-) i cant wait till thursdy 2 c iit! its gonna be propa wkd. catherine Tat3 is sooooooooooooooo funni ! lolol :>)x

    luv zoe

  28. I’m at work designing our company website when i heard the advert. i was so bored i thought i’d check it out.

    well done. i hope you make a few quid out of it!!

  29. Hehe another good example of this is from the comdey series ‘two and a half men’. Today oddly enough there was the episode where women who have ‘met’ the main character (played by charlie sheen) have set up a web site in order to talk about what an a**ehole he is. And it too exists (www.charlieharpersucks.com). Quite amusing, though it redirects and looks set up by the TV company. But it looks just like the one you catch a glimpse of in the episode, which was funny.

  30. Yep. I was going to register it too, but I wasn’t bothered enough to take a look till now.

    No, I don’t thnk Miss Tate is very funny (I’m over the age of 12). I’m an opportunist whose slower off the mark than you.

    I’d be very interested to hear how much trafic you get from this for future ref. Well done. Good luck.

  31. Anthony Wilson – cashing in? Cashing IN?! Hah… I wish. Total revenue from this site so far – £0. Pft!

    Don’t think you know what a bit of fun is all about.

  32. Oh Fackin’ Chill ahhhhtt woncha???!!!

    Worra Fackin’LIBERTY!!!!!

    Look at ‘er face, is she bovvered? Face, bovvered, bovvered face etc., etc.,

    Nan is my favourite character on the show.

  33. Im terrible for trying things like this, I even ring telephone numbers that appear in dramas and soaps. How sad am I.

    Good luck

  34. Darn it – if I’d have been at home when chinnedbythemissus was mentioned I’d have had a snaffle at that one too! Mind you, could end up with a large collection of not actually that useful websites….

  35. This is so funny your shows are really great!!! When i told my sister that this was a site she laughed so so hard! But we especially love the gay one! and the granny is great! where has Sam gone though we miss her she was so so much like our other sister lol. write back soon byebye xxxxxxxxxxx

  36. Hahaha, it actually works. Although, looking at how many people have also tried the link, I would say that makes the people who haven’t bothered the actual saddos. We are the ermm…cool people. Yes that’s the word….cool =]

  37. Hey, it actually worked! Of course, I was expecting something official if it had worked, but now that I’ve seen this, I’m just happy that there’s something here at all! :D

    And I’m just about to check www chinnedbythemissus co uk but if there’s nothing there yet, you’d better get on it, Dave! And be AQAP because the next episode is on on Thursday, and there’ll no doubt be another quirky URL mentioned!

    Great job!

  38. Hey, www chinnedbythemissus co uk actually works! But it goes to the Catherine Tate page on a mobile phone downloads (ringtones, wallpapers, etc.) website! Try it!

  39. i saw da advert n i ad to c if it was real n lol it was! o my god there are loads of people hu r sad enough to actual rite sumit (lol like me) i read a few n decided to skip da rest bt there r sssoooooooo many ppl hu av put summit lol.

  40. Dat is well shameful lol this webby is awesume didnt know that they actually made the website. i watched the advert and then tried the webby and it actually works!!!!

  41. woooooooooooooow hooow coool!!! =D the cathherz tate show 2nite sed bout this website was well funny so i thort id try it and hey presto! great site btw wooo well done byeee xox

  42. ha ha i watched this tonight so maybe im one of the first sad ones to log on after seeing it on the tv (not the add)

    great stuff well done, i think the managment f**ked up here!

    and i always log n to websites if i here them on tv

    love the show

  43. I just saw the url on the show but am i bovverd? look at my face is it bovverd website, bovverd,cathrine tait bovvred. I AINT BOVVERED!


  44. I salute you sir well done.

    And Tommy its true “WAT A FUCKIN LIBERTY!!!”

    Haha made me chuckle even more.

    Have a good one

  45. OK it was my mum that made me check this URL, so this is to name and shame Jaye Bennett as being the sad one, I just carry some of her genes lol!
    Well done guys!


  46. what a fuckin liberty, those poor obsessive compulsives locked in the bathroom 14 hours a day.

    washing the shite off their hands!

  47. Wot are yooos doing, all you sados visting this site, all you men better come (snigger) and see nurse Bernadette, o’il soon sort you out, wot am i saying iom not that easy.

  48. Ohmygosh.
    Didn’t actually think this would WORK.
    Just crazy; made me laugh :D


    Yamna, 16, from her chair in sunny Cambridgeshire.

  49. as soon as i heard the words slip from catherine’s tongue, i check the website and lo and behold here you are! welcome to the wide world of cyberlove my dear! cheers you cheeky little monkey you.

    4 POUNDS?!…DONT WORRY PET I WOULDN’T WANNA LET IT COME BETWEEN US…… IF YOU DONT BELIEVE ME LOG ON TO THE WEBSITE….www.christivelefttheironon.co.uk/noihavent/yesihave

  51. Lol, I just tried it now after remembering the trailer. I’m loving The Catherine Tate Show this year! I’ve heard that it’s the last series :( sadly because she’s starring in 4 movies. One of them I know is called “Sixty Six”. Seen the trailer and saw Catherine! Have a bad feeling she only has a small part though. Clever the way you got the URL so fast! I don’t think she would sue you, Chinnedmythemissus.co.uk is taken aswell

  52. lol brilliant at first I thought wow OCD original web site but did not take long to read I was wrong. Excellent and I bet Catherine Tate would find this highly amusing to

  53. just watching catherine tate now nd have my computer on my lap at the same time so decided to check out the web address, actully got excited when i thought it was the website to obsessive compulsives uk

  54. I thought I was the only sad bastard out there that did things like this, but I’m not!!!!

    I’ve found my promised land… I am home!

  55. Thought id check to for a laugh, maybe it would be some sort of goodwill not only to advertise the catherine tate show but also an OCD helpsite.

    but that aside nice job.

  56. Great, I didn’t actually think it would exist! Do you also heve the links from the other episodes of her show? (Can’t remember what they are)

  57. Ha i came here after watchin catherine tate too, because my little brother who is 10 forced me to come and see if its a real site! he also said to my granny today “if yuo get bored nana you can always go on http://www.christivelefttheironon.co.uk/noihavent/yesihave and of course she had no idea what he was on about and she was like oh yes dear, i might try that sometime !
    thanks for making us smile guys :)

  58. Well done, seems that Ms. Tate’s team should be talking to the Doctor Who website team…

    If she can be bovvered (etc. etc. etc. repeat until hands are bleeding…)

  59. Omg I wouldent aculy think that this would be an acual site! I saw it on the advert then when i watched it found it so funeh i thought id try it :P Awesome!

  60. Good heavens you lot – that’s a lot of comments!

    Anyway, I’ve decided it’s time to add a proper link to the OCD UK website. It hadn’t actually occurred to me that they would have a site (dunno why) but given that it is a difficult condition it’s only fair.

    Mike – you’re right, it’s lots of good advertising for a fiver, but nobody actually buys anything from the store. I’ve added a very small amount of Google Adsense ads to the site to see how that works, but so far I’m a loooong way from covering my bandwidth costs!

    Cheers all,


  61. Do you know the Catherine Tate show? Is it your favourite though? Is it not that it’s the best show you’ve even seen though?
    Looking up this website in Media today, didn’t realise it was actually a website.


  62. omg i cant believe it worked n yes like a lot of other people on here i watched the episode and then tried it … :P


  63. Omg i tried da website ages ago n left a message n jst got on it now n der bout 30 since i last seen it
    DAT IS WELL BAD omg how sad dat is ma fav frase!!!!!!!

  64. Omg Catherine Tate is Fuckin Legend and will be the best remembered comedienne forever ( i think dats how u spell a female comedian) :P

    ” Ive never met anyone with OCD ”
    ” Thats coz there in the bathroom 14 hours a day, washing the shite off their hands”


  65. Omg Catherine Tate is Fuckin Legend and will be the best remembered comedienne forever ( i think dats how u spell a female comedian) :P

    ” Ive never met anyone with OCD ”
    ” Thats coz there in the bathroom 14 hours a day, washing the shite off their hands”


    i dont think its sad to try see if the website works, if its mentioned its worth a try :D

  66. OMG you guys! i checked the website as soon as i heard it and i cant believe its here! well done!

    catherine tate is such a legend!


  67. I came here from wikipedia, because they said the domain names had all been registered (so definitely more than just the two of you…) and I was curious to know who would have done that. Is that sadder?

    Yours is the winner, though: chinnedbythemissus redicrect to a site that sells ringtones, very dull, and bummedbytheboss still has a placeholder.

    I think when you’ve done with this, you should redirect it to the real OCD site. Life imitating art, and all that.

  68. I actualy can’t believe there are that many people as sad as me who actually looked up the web site!! some of us really need to get out more!!

  69. lol, i love catherine tate, my fav is the posh peeps + her children, or am i bovad.
    M I am i bovad
    R U r u a geek though
    F face bovad
    lmAO xXx

  70. What I find really sad is that other people grabbed other websites mentioned, but couldn’t be bothered doing something connected with Catherine Tate. A real shame :o(

  71. omfg i was well surprised at this webi actually existing it rox. Catherine Tate Show is so better then Little Britain but i bet theyre not bovvered lmao

  72. heyy ppl x
    that chatherine tate shoe does make me laugh and this was a great idea 2 make this site!! well done!!

    luv you all


  74. haha lol this is funny i thought id try the site to see if it worked and i was amazed that it did good site domain anyways thanx for ethe laugh :D leigh

  75. Hi all thinking about loggin on for ages and finally sad enough to do it! LMFAO when found out it worked. Im impressed! x

  76. any chance i could have a lend of your stainless stell pencil sharpener!? i’ll tell you what it’s for….. love that sketch and anything to do with catherine tate. she rocks!!! oh, what a beautiful morning…. morning martin!!!! lol :)

  77. luv u too could i borrow your lovely stainless steel sharpener georgie lol. omg youve got da same name as in da show lol

  78. helloo everybody!!!
    i wasnt actually expecting this to exist. i was bord and tried it for a joke and was kinda scared weni found out it did actually exist!
    great to know tho!!! im confused and SCRED BY THIS PAGE BUT IM GLAD IT EXISTS!
    tallyho every one fun surfing

  79. hi, gr8 idea. i came on just now coz i turned on the laptop and opened up the internet and didnt know wot to go on so i remembered the website from the programme that i watched of it (the series has alredy started update the site) so decided to type it in and it actually worked!!! where wood we b wivout crazy people like u????

  80. I gave my mum the web address and she said that it was a joke and there wouldn’t be a website with that address! MUM YOU ARE WRONG!!!!!

  81. I was watching the show on the internet and thought i might check it out. I have to tell you i felt pretty sad doing it but its the funniest thing ever! Good on ya!

  82. Fab – it worked/// hello from Aus Would you beleve theyve not shown CT on terrestrial TV yet? Frinds in the UK sending over DVDs are very handy for this! ABC – hurry up!!!!

  83. my friend laura has ocd and this website really helped her see the funny side of her life – ruining disease. thank you. xxxxxxxxx

  84. hi im betti and i have OCD i find sharing stories attrocious, after being on this website i was sick 9 times to ensure the safety of my family. at this present moment i am writing with a bleached keyboard and oven mits. anyway im off now to soak my feet in chlorine and wave my children goodnight from the seethrough shed i keep them in.amy is a bum.

  85. God , I feel really sad now…..could I borrow your nice shiny pencil sharpener martin?….well, I’ll tell yer wor it is….me and some of the girls down at the tyne and wear….
    we are all soooo sad but love Catherine tate too much not to check out to see if the website really exists…bye bye.

  86. Ha, just seen the episode on uktv G2 !! brilliant. Oh, wrong site, iv been here allready, hold on ….. no i havent, best check to be sure though :o) hehe good work lads

  87. Ha ha! Didn’t actually expect this site to work, I just thought I’d try it after watching the episode of The Catherine Tate Show about OCD :D

  88. love this site…never realized I could comment =]

    I tried that after I saw the Catherine Tate episode.

    And there’s one for all the lil Dwavs.


    it takes you to a site that wants to find all the 1000 uses for Blue Tack.

    =] fun

    But im still sad so I still come back here. I’m going to try all the websites she mentions :)

  89. we love your show and we are trying all the websites she mentions from now. we are hooked to this show and we must have seen them all about 10 times over this is the best comedy out we think. ( WHAT A F**KING LIBERTY) :)

    Note from Dave: Sadly it seems that all the other sites, instead of going with the spirit of the domain names, were quickly squatted on. I did try and register some of the others, but no joy. So they’ll try and sell you unrelated ringtones and the like :o(

  90. i like catherine tate shes wicked. love georgie character (www.christivelefttheironon.co.uk/noihavent/yesihave)
    i LOVE lauren AM I BOVVERED?!!!!!

  91. I just love this show, and saw the clip online and thought I’d give it a go. It is a little sad, but what can you do? I think it’s interesting at all the people who’ve logged on.

  92. yes, they’re repeating it on Dave, i couldn’t resist…. i added the email address mentioned on the IT crowd a while ago too :P. Oh dear… what’s happened to my life?

  93. Just seen the show on the new channel ‘Dave’ and kinda wondered if…and yes…here it is !!

    Whhhaaaaaat a f***ing l-i-b-e-r-t-y !!

    Nice one ;-)

  94. Haha Lol i just typed it in then to see if it was real !!! LOL AND IT WAS =] Was watchin it b4 lol =P ,, its great !! Best part is bernie in the hospital =P ‘Have You Met My Sisters !? There The B******s !! ‘ Oh Well Myt Come Back On Syt Soon !? =P… Oh Well Cyahz !! -.

  95. Happy birthday to our bronny for yesterday, you’ll never believe wot she’s gone and done. Went to Manchester with her friends dressed in tu-tu’s. She is mental!!!!!!!!!!

  96. lol not funny i was looking for chinnedbythemissus.co.uk,
    not that ive been chinnedbythemissus i am the missus and wanted to check out the site for hints and tips on chinnin the hubby, oh well i’ll try the usual stick ya chin to the iron love i think i’ve left it on tactic as usual, thans anyways,,,, farewell

  97. hahahah i searched “www.bummedbytheboss.co.uk” cos i am jus watching the dvd of series 3,an was curious to see wot came up lmao, an there were 4 results ,u being one of em .this site is ace …i love it well dun u 2 .top marks x

  98. MY GOD!
    im watching the catherine tate show..she said it and i thought…hmm wonder if its actualy a website.
    when it came up i was like WOW thats fuckign hilarious!
    pretty funny to make the site! luv it..x

  99. hi. I am one of the sad ones. watching The CTS at the moment – and the ‘chinnedbythemissus’ one came on, tried it as i was on facebook and ebay messing around anyway, and it didnt work – so i thought i would try this one. I was v.v.v.v.v.amused to see there is actually a site!! well done!

  100. Just this second saw the reference on a repeat being aired on Dave as I write, sitting in front of the pc and got curious – I knew someone would have set this up and I love it!!

  101. I love the fact this exists…brilliant. I have OCD…no I don’t, yes I do, no I don’t…

    I really do and was intrigued and yes sad enough to check it out – on a friday night too!

    Genius. Ha ha x

  102. soz 4 the sad email address but i think yuor pretty laim for doing this stupid websit


    p.s i love you sue!

  103. I have ocd, as well as many of learning disabilities, and special needs. i looked hee straight after the show, and again a week later, and it seemed the domain was parked with one of those shitty sites.

    lol, i was confused whether or not to put the ‘ etc in.


  104. hahahahaha
    i didnt think there was actully gonna be a website for this
    nice one guys :o) :o) :o)
    MIGHTY BOOSH i <3 you

  105. Oh My God..!

    Me, my brother, my sister & my mum were all sat watching catherine tate
    and she said the website.

    straight away, coz i was on the pc, we decided to check
    see if it was real, we were in stitches wen we saw it was!!

    and all the others she says…theyre there too!!
    god we are all sad ur not wrong haha

    anyway congrats there and im off
    to watch more catherine tate lol


  106. Fantastic!, always great to see a pointless waste of technology – coz sometimes things like this just have to be done!!

    (Kind of like when I once sent ” tea 2 sugars please hun” to the moon via ham radio and played the moon bounced signal to the wife).

  107. Oh what’s that? Have you found a window in your diary? Well it’s too late now love. Toofuckinglatenow.co.uk !!

  108. The show has just been aired here in Australia….ha, good on ya for getting the domain name, I was straight onto the computer to see if it was reel. I was also sad enough to look up one from two and a half men: charlieharpersucks.com

    1. Of course – we registered that some time ago and it makes the logs available for free every day so that people can see where the visitors are coming from. There are not many and we don’t promote it anywhere so that the only people who can stumble in have either typed it or found it on a site like this.

      Enjoy !

  109. Hi, this is Ghosty from America, and I have to say it’s shows like Catherine’s that make me really love the BBC! (Monty Python, of course, and no forgetting Doctor Who, in which the brilliant miss Tate plays a truly excellent character alongside my favorite Time Lord, played by the stupendous David Tennant!)

    Anyway, I was tickled pink when I saw your site after typing in the url from the show! Good job snagging it, and thanks for making my day! =D



  110. HaHaa…we was just watching it n we just typed it in for da crack..LOLL.

    And their actualli a sight…:L LOLL.

    Gurdd One…HaHaa…:)


  111. I thought about registering it .. couldn’t think of a use for it … decided not to … regretting it now !!! Good luck with it guys …. Made me laugh watching a repeat tonight and I just wondered if anyone had …

  112. HAHA!


    Fantastic, just saw the sketch on UKTV Gold and had laptop on lap and hands on keyboard! Stayin’ alive!

  113. Thanks Chris – now corrected! Can’t believe it went two years without anybody noticing!

    Am debating dropping the domain name as it’s due for renewal and it doesn’t get much traffic. Any fans want it rather than having it squatted?

  114. How funny!! I’ve just watched a rerun and I’m sitting here with my laptop on my lap and I’m so totally sad that I typed in the URL. Wonder how many more people will type in the link tonight!!

  115. Series aired on DSTV in South Africa and I was sitting online, reminds me of a Volvo ad in the 90’s, girl was kidnapped and the commentary around the kidnapping story mentioned the kidnapper phoning a number, which she had remembered when she was trying to give the police clues, If you phoned the mobile number you reached an advertisement giving further info on the car.

    For £5, it might be nice to see how far it travels around the world.

  116. Hi there! I live in the States, in Austin, Texas, and I LOVE Catherine Tate. She’s sooooooooo funny. I can’t believe it took Doctor Who to introduce her to me. I’m so behind!

    Anyway, I was watching The Catherine Tate Show today on BBC America, and this URL was referenced. I think it’s fantastic that you registered this domain. If you hadn’t, I was going to!!

    Love from Texas!!

  117. We love CATHERINE tate innit
    Hello Neville, the usual?
    I dunno
    Whats that babe?
    You cummupanseeme aint cha
    the dirty bastards
    I am a strong smelling woman,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    Ive been coming to this shop for 25years and ive never been so insulted in all my life
    Am i bovvered

  118. OMG!!! This was so unexpected!!! But then again… I always try websites i see on the tv and i’m only 12 lol!!!
    P.S. most of the other sites dont do much.
    P.P.S. Go to: http://www.click2go.org/ Trust me… its weird!!!

  119. I love Catherine Tate. I have “verified” every website she mentions in her “Georgie” scenes. That is my favourite character of all of her characters and the OCD skit is my all-time favourite.

    I think her timing and delivery is flawless.

  120. haha i love Catherine Tate. Lauren Cooper is my favorite character, innit doe? AM I BOVVERED??????????????? LOOK<<<<<<<< FACE BOVVERED AM I BOVVERED DOE, NO COS I AINT EVEN BOVVERED!!!!!!!!!!!!! ha she is the best, thank you so much for making this a real website when i first came onto it i thought it was a real boring article about OCD!!!!!!!! lol

  121. Am i bovered? My face… i aint bovered doe…. Innit…. and when you did red nose day with little britain…. Yes? Yes correct… Yay! No…. That is not good…. You have failed you’re test…. Cough* Cough* Cough* COUGH* COUGH COUGH* cough…. Opens door *Cough* Closes door…

  122. i cant believe this site actually worked!
    even though it redirected me i was so suprised !
    hahahah people washing sh*t of their hands for 14 hours xDDDD

  123. did you know that every 38 minutes a poor soul if flew away on a holiday of a lifetime, but has to fly all the way back again as he thinks they have left the cap off the shake’n’vac

  124. This is my new favorite website, I was watching the add and for some reason I decided to put in the url thinking “That would be so funny!” then this popped up and seriously made my night!!!

  125. The clip’s on youtube….
    Just to let you know people are still .. erm…sad.. enough to look it up. Good stuff. Keeps us procrastinators off the streets. Back to the marking now I suppose. *yawn* Thanks for a nice break :)

  126. Listened to Catherine Tate say this website in her funny accent, and had to check if it was real. Thank God someone did this, I nearly pissed myself laughing when I logged on!!!!!

  127. seriously funny!! was sittin watchin this tonight on Watch and am currently about to wet myself at the irish nurses whole family doin riverdance in the hospital ward love it!! website… very good idea! well done! gave a lot of people a lot of laughs it seems!! keep up the mentalness there ! :)

  128. haha brilliant. Literally just watching that sketch on youtube, and paused it to go to ‘www.christivelefttheironon.co.uk’.

  129. Yeah, so I totally did search it…and I have to say, I’m relieved that I’m not the only sad person out there who has nothing better to do than to create fan things for the Goddess named Catherine Tate :)

  130. ive watched the clip many times on the BBC Worldwide youtube page, but im american and, as a result, find it very hard to understand Catherine’s amazing accents. after 5 uears of watching it, someone finally left a comment with the domain, for those of us unfortunate enough to not be able to understand it on our own. i immediately tried it, and found myself here! yaay! :D

  131. While I was watching a clip from the show on Youtube somebody in the comments said the website was real, so I looked it up, and here it is! 

  132. Just found this show, and racing through episodes on Netflix! Love Ms. Tate now! I hated her on the office, but that’s just a testament to her acting!!!

  133. Saw the clip of that episode on Youtube and of COURSE, being a sufferer of OCD, I had to check if it was real ;D That’s right. I’m sad enough to go to a URL just because it was mentioned on TV.

  134. Hahaha, saw the Clip on YouTube and here I am, 5th October 2013! xD Does that make me a sad person…? O.o Nah, the Laptop was already on my lap, that’s all – I guess.^^

  135. So glad this is still here. My OCD makes me check that it’s still active every fortnight whilst singing the hits of Andrew Lloyd Weber.

  136. As someone from the states (no, I don’t have a “western/cowboy” or a New York accent, watch The Big Bang Theory, mine is more like Lenard’s, but not as nerdy) who was introduced to Catherine Tate via Doctor Who, and decided to watch the show on Netflix, I just had to check to see if…well, any of the websites she says on that show were real. And of all the ones to actually BE real, this one. Awesome.

  137. Here is a “sad one” for you. January 2, 2014 sitting here watching episodes of the Catherine Tate show on my computer in the USA and logged on just to see if anyone had put anything up on a website since she mentioned it on air. LOL – Yep – SAD – To make it worse I had to back up the show three times to get the web address right.

  138. Im so happy that they actually made a site for this i searched it up for a laugh and it actully exists!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  139. Just watched a late night Catherine Tate show repeat on Watch. 10 years since it was made can’t believe they have kept the domain all this time!

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