When Your Mic Breaks, Improvise!

Sometimes you record a great hillclimb run (this one up Loton Park) only to find a technical glitch has spoilt the recording. So if that’s the case, you must improvise….

The chap who did the sound to this has the respectable job of doctorin’. You might think he’s self-medicating, but actually he’s like this naturally!

It’s a good video of a run up Loton Park’s Hillclimb too. And accurately captures the feeling everyone gets the first time they reach the final bend, Museum.

Loton Park Hillclimb Video, July 2005

I’m afraid that due to issues with recoding some of my videos to this website’s flash player I’ve had to stick with the Google Video system for some videos, at least for the time being.

A quick but not really that quick run up the classic Loton Park hillclimb course. It’s a real test of nerve in places and as I don’t know the place all that well I’m just a touch nervous of the trees, stream, and rocks.