David Coveney


All the posts below have been tagged with How to.

15 October, 2006

What Happens at Your First Sprint or Hillclimb

The first event you ever do is a great experience. Don’t make yourself sick with worry, and ignore the people making fun of you and suggesting you’ll go out in a big ball of flames or similar! Accidents, in particular serious ones, are rare in sprints and hillclimbs, and if you take it easy while […]

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Sprint and Hillclimb Checklist

I thought that it would be useful to create a checklist of items that are essential for a Sprint or Hillclimb. If I’ve missed anything out, or you think there’s more to add, please let me know. Compulsory Items Race license Club and championship cards (less critical, usually, but technically compulsory) Race numbers Race suit […]

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12 July, 2006

Competing in Your First Sprint or Hillclimb

I’m often asked by people how to start competing in sprinting, and the reality is fairly simple. This information also applies, by and large, to entering many other events which don’t require a special license – eg, trials, autotesting, navigation rallies and so on. First, find an event with a local club. In the North […]

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9 July, 2006

How to Get Started in Motorsport

Getting into motorsport isn’t especially difficult, expensive, or even all that time-consuming. Of course – there are a few things you need to sort out first: Access to a car of some description. Always handy. Any car will do – there’ll be a motorsport to suit, though levels of preparation and costs may vary. A […]

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