
Hi. I’m Dave.

Thanks for looking!


I’m the main shareholder, director and general technologist at Standfirst, a small web design and development studio based in Liverpool that punches waaaay above our weight. It’s a part of Interconnect. Collectively we own Design Week, where my role is publisher.


If you care to search, you’ll discover I’m a raging Liberal Democrat. I’m not shy about it. I also know that if power was what I sought, I’d be in one of the bigger parties, because that’s the path to it. Instead I do the Lib Dem thing as a means to an end – it helps act as a fulcrum which prevents the main parties swinging too far one way or another. It can also help raise and highlight issues that might otherwise go ignored. Sometimes this has caused me to receive death threats and hate on my social media. But somebody has to say something, sometimes, and it might as well be me… because…

My Early Life

Few people spoke up for me when I was young.

My early life was a little screwed up. That’s OK – millions or even billions of people in this world have dealt with far worse. I’m still very lucky.  Occasionally I’ll talk about it here on the blog or in my social media because it can be useful to others who’ve had a traumatic life. I believe in the benefits of openness. I also believe that society, teams and firms do better if everyone feels safe and protected whilst given appropriate boundaries and guidelines. I also think there needs to be realism, and sometimes that can be hard to balance off.

Life Now

I live with my lovely partner, and my lovely sons, in a small Northern town famous for its chemical industry.

And I think that’s where I’m going to stop.  Thank you!

Want more? Try Threads or Bluesky. You can also find me on LinkedIn, trying to make sense of it and not entirely sure that I ever had. I also post random things on Instagram. I still keep my Twitter profile alive, but only just, because I think the place has deteriorated horribly and I can’t be dealing with it. You can find me on there if you must but I’m not linking it.

7 thoughts on “About”

  1. i remember a young chap just like you who used to cadge hire cars off me for pennies! hang on… it was you!! hows it going dave? keep smiling!!

  2. Paul! Great to hear from you!

    Of course, I always treated those cars with the utmost respect – driving them carefully, under the speed limit, and never ever checking to see how fast they might go. No no, that’s not the kind of thing I’d ever do…

    Aaaah – happy days – when you drive a junker to work, getting a shiny new hire car was the best thing going :o)

  3. Hi Davey, Glad to hear that you “winged” it in the few years of your PeopleSoft career. Me too!!!!! After 10 years in recruitment I am still winging it!! Its always been a pleasure working with you.
    The site is looking great.

    Thanks Danny!  Great to hear from you and glad you’ve found the site :) Dave

  4. Hi Dave! Long time since we last met. Happy to hear you are still out there. Your site is great. Take care. Hug Inger

  5. Hi Dave,

    I haven’t seen you post on Norlog for ages. I was just wondering how you are and how the business is going. Seems (from this website) that you’ve made it through the tricky first year and the tone of your posts is very upbeat so I’m guessing things are ok.

    Talk to you soon,


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