Shiny new things!

Well… kind of. You won’t see much difference, but I’ve just upgraded the software for the blog to v2.0.1 – in reality it makes the blog a fair bit easier for me to use, but won’t make much of a difference to you except that with a bit of luck you’ll see better updates. The theme’s changed too, so the colours and layout may look a little different, but all the functions remain the same.
Of course, my trip’s over now, so the updates on here won’t be so frequent. However, there’s the background stuff I promised, and then there’ll be information and updates on my sprinting and hillclimbing this year. Within a short while I’m also hoping to sort out the upload of some pictures from the holiday. But there’s a lot to get through… I managed some 2000 photos in two months!

Author: David Coveney

I own the big bit of Standfirst, Interconnect, and Design Week. They keep me busy.

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