Another high altitude desert – San Pedro de Atacama

I must like them, because I think this is about my third. No more deserts from now, however. My tan is suitably well developed (at least on exposed skin – need to work on my back now) and I think I now understand what dry empty places are about.

The Village of San Pedro de Atacama

San Pedro de Atacama seems to be a hugely popular and successful village. I’ve not seen such a high ratio of tourists to locals anywhere else. Even Cuzco is busy with Peruvians, not just furriners. But it’s a pleasant village, and the international influence means that the food is good (at last!) and the facilities great. On the way up (yet another overnight bus) I’d got talking to a young Brazilian couple after she’d slammed the bus window into my head. Maybe this is the Brazilian way to introduce yourself to others? We ended up sticking together and this helped in finding affordable accomodation in San Pedro, where at this time of year it can be a touch tricky. After searching we got a decent deal in a clean and charming Slovenian run hostel. Though somebody told us off for making too much noise when we rolled in a bit tipsy in the middle of the night.

A trip to the Valle de la Luna showed us a landscape that really did feel lunar. And very dead. There are no plants, animals or water in this part of the desert and it’s said to be a very dangerous place to get lost in. The sunset was a typically beautiful desert sunset, but nothing too amazing. Sometimes the weather just doesn’t play the game.

I’m now at the airport, waiting for my plane to Santiago. I have a business lounge pass and it works here! Free Internet! Free Biscuits! Free Beer! I think I’ll go and enjoy myself now. Ciao!

Author: David Coveney

I own the big bit of Standfirst, Interconnect, and Design Week. They keep me busy.

3 thoughts on “Another high altitude desert – San Pedro de Atacama”

  1. Brazilian way to introduce yourself to others??????!!!!!!!it was very funny jejejeje…….sorry………. i miss you…….

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