David Coveney

Hillclimb and Sprint Photography

I don’t often mention other sites, but that’s more because I’m lazy and don’t do my research, rather than any intent to ignore.

But I can’t ignore Gary Thomas’s new sprint and hillclimb photo site. He takes some cracking pictures of the sprint scene and shows them off at his photo site yourftd.com where you can also order prints and electronic copies.

I’ll admit to some involvement though – my web design firm Interconnect IT was lightly involved. Unusually this wasn’t our more typical and more complex implementations – instead we installed suitable off the shelf open source software, created a nice logo, gave Gary some instruction, and sent him on his way. Keeps the budget simple, if you stick to things that have already been done. It’s not been without it’s problems, however, and I soon learned that a large collection of images – all of which need some server manipulation – can take up enormous server resources. It’s not Gary’s fault, this – I honestly thought it would be no problem given the usual performance of our sites. But with that and sniffpetrol.com hammering our machines I realised it was time to upgrade our server. So you should see some rip-snorting performance on this and our other websites – we now have a shiny new machine which we no longer share with other web firms. Woo!

I’m going to be cheeky and include a sample image from Gary’s site down below, just to show you the quality of his work:

Photo from yourftd.com