David Coveney


All the posts below were written in September, 2006.

29 September, 2006

When Track Safety Goes Wrong

I’m no fan of gruesome videos, but sometimes they’re necessary because otherwise we forget just what can go wrong and fail to plan for the worst. In the UK at least marshalls are some of the best – this is what happens when the marshalls aren’t well trained.

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27 September, 2006

Thoresby Park Sprint, 23rd September 2006

I question the validity of any sport that involves early morning starts. Sadly that seems to include most of them, so at 5am I woke up, startled myself by spotting a grumpy looking animal staring back at me from my mirror, and bumbled out of the door to drag my trailer to somewhere in Nottinghamshire. […]

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21 September, 2006

Breaking the Sound Barrier

A double whammy for you all this week! Two videos of Thrust SSC breaking the sound barrier.

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16 September, 2006

A Thousand Incidents – Those Crazy Rally Drivers!

Sometimes you want to see just one clip. Sometimes you want to sit back on the sofa with a bucket of popcorn. This is just the clip for you then!

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10 September, 2006

Aintree Sprint, 2nd September 2006 – Boat racing!

Whenever we get rain at Aintree it seems to be of the biblical sort. I’d hoped for a chance at recovering my record and also scoring lots of useful points for my championship challenge. But as I set off I felt doomed – strong rain is never going to be good in the Elise and […]

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7 September, 2006

Motorsport Video of the Week #3

C’etait un rendez-vous. This movie was created by Claude Lelouch in 1976. It caused scandal at the time, and he was arrested for the driving although released without charge. I’ve posted it because although not strictly motorsport it’s well done (even if the soundtrack is dubbed) and it’s in one of my favourite cities.

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