David Coveney


All the posts below have been tagged with Campaign for Thinking.

15 February, 2022

Interesting times in the world of software

About a decade ago, I was at a conference and talking to a fellow developer (I still call myself one, even though I don’t code so much these days) when he giddily told me about the funding he’d got for building a new piece of software he was hoping would make it big. It was […]

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18 November, 2018

The EU are bullying the UK

A short screenplay, by me. It’s a Monday morning at a small train station on a mainline. It’s bustling as business travellers head to London for their week’s business. The air is cool, with people blowing little clouds of steam as they head into the station from their taxis and cars. Mr Hock, a late-middle […]

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4 March, 2012

Why Gay Marriage Matters

Two people meet. They decide to live together and grow old together.  Let’s ignore whether they are a man and a woman, or gay, or two brothers without any other relationships.  Doesn’t matter.  What does matter is that they’re not married. Together, these two people set up home back in 1970 in a house for which […]

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26 February, 2012

Why You Should Be A Secularist

All these arguments about Britain being a ‘Christian’ country at heart (see Baroness Warsi here, here and most importantly here) are so much bull, and I’m tired of it.  It’s part of an attack on the growing secularist movement but framed in such a way that it’s designed to scare the religious into thinking they’re going to be […]

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10 August, 2011

The Liverpool Riots Do Not Indicate That Our Society Is Broken

Ok, the riots matter.  Especially if you’re unlucky enough to have had to face rioters in your district, near your home, or near your business.  In fact, the riots and disturbances are full of tragedy, deaths and ruined lives.  They are, frankly, horrible. And strong action is needed to stop it turning into a joyfull […]

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5 April, 2010

Collateral Murder in Baghdad

There’s enough in the video to convince anybody, but I’ve decided to add my own few thoughts. As long as the military culture exists that allows this to happen, then the West can never consider themselves superior in any sense, nor can we ever expect peace in the Middle East or the cessation of Islamic […]

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12 May, 2009

Boo to MPs! Boo to Presenters!

MPs are getting it in the neck as a result of some of their more wild expenses claims. Lord Foulkes got very uppity.

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10 May, 2009

Vegetarians Are Plain Filthy

It never even occurred to me what Tofu really meant.  Now I do!  Storm in a teacup, but amused me nonetheless: Popped into the Campaign for Thinking, for obvious reasons. Thanks to Alison Classe who listed this on Cix.

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14 April, 2009

Just Go Back a Bit

There’s a question on a wall in Liverpool – “Would you like to die old and slow, or young and tragic?” But the more I think about it, the more I don’t know. This guy was definitely young and tragic.

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24 February, 2009

Cerrie Burnell – and unthinking parents

Cerrie Burnell – a pretty children’s TV presenter who, it seems, has managed to upset some parents by only having one arm. Er… what?!

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7 January, 2009

Health & Safety – They’re Rational, Could You Be Too?

The UK Health & Safety Executive is run by largely sensible, clear minded folk that want to help us to keep doing what we do, but ideally without losing fingers, testicles or lives. So why do they get so much flack?  Why do we keep hearing tales of children not being allowed to play in […]

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6 January, 2009

Barriers that Punish

Automatic Rising Bollards – in my opinion a dangerous hazard that can cause serious damage to property and injury to car occupants. Come on guys – you can think of better ways to keep traffic out….

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4 January, 2009

Using Hysteria and Useful Idiots to Drive Law-making

Inflate a problem, lie about it, redefine some words, and hey presto! You have a way to make a new law that will probably cause a lot of harm but will tick the boxes of certain voters whilst not alienating others.

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31 December, 2008

Speed Limiting in Cars

As part one of my campaign to introduce the concept of actually thinking to UK media, pundits and government, I’m covering the nasty little idea of automatic speed limiters being introduced to cars – so that people can, basically, stop thinking about the speed they drive at. That’ll work…

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About the Campaign for Thinking

Introducing my personal, one man mini-crusade – the Campaign for Thinking. It’s going to be a scattered stream of consciousness thing. It might be good therapy for me. Who knows?

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