In the Amazon Jungle

I’ve just realised, in reading back through the various postings that I’ve missed out on fair chunks of the history of South America that I want to post.

But I’m not going to do it here. Stuff like that takes a little more preparation because otherwise you can be exceptionally misleading. But I’m dying to do some research on the one eyed, one legged, one armed bloke who helped to defend Cartagena (yes, I know I’ve not been there, but I’ve been reading a lot) because frankly I’d like to know how he managed it!

Then there’s all the background of the pre-Columbian times, the different cultures and tribes that ruled the Andes, and so on. It’s pretty fascinating, but without checking references all I can tell you is that they made a hell of a lot of pots. Lots and lots. I mean, the museums here have so many pots that I guess you pretty much can’t dig a hole in the Andes without unearthing several pots. And a bit of fabric. And maybe the odd skull or two.

tuk-tuk as viewed from collectivo boat in the AmazonSo now I’m in the Amazon basin. Hopefully I’ll be spending the next few days in a lodge somewhere, probably being bitten to death by mosquitoes and sandflies but maybe also seeing some cool wildlife like pink dolphins (yes really!) and, erm, butterflies and stuff. Then it’ll be back to Lima, with a couple of days leeway in case of delays and whatever, and on to New York for the final leg of my jaunt.

After that I will actually be happy to get home. Whilst I’ve had a fantastic time I know it’ll be so nice to sleep in own bed again, to be able to listen to my own music, see my friends again, watch English TV… all those things really. The familiar and the straightforward stuff we can all take for granted. Oh, and nice cups of tea!

Author: David Coveney

I own the big bit of Standfirst, Interconnect, and Design Week. They keep me busy.

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